t h e
b i n d e r y
s e r v i c
e s
b o o k
c o n s e r v a t i o n
The bindery offers the range of conservation treatments for books and
documents. From reinforcing inner hinges to cloth and leather
rebacking; up to complete disbinding, leaf washing and repair,
resewing, and either retention of as much of the original binding as
feasible or a new binding utilizing structure and materials decided on
in consultation with the client; and conservation of maps and
documents. I can also provide housing in the forms of phase containers,
portfolios and clamshell boxes.
Some past institutional clients include Independence National
Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook,
PA; Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ; Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, PA
e d i t i o
n b i n d i n g
goal in
binding multiples is to produce individual copies (up to 150) which
show the same concern for design and usability as for a fine binding
while being simpler in structure and detail. While I have utilized
leather and vellum for editions, most of the bindings have emphasized the
potentialities inherent in cloth and paper. The bindery currently
no edition clients.
Past clients include The Press of Appletree Alley, with whom I worked
for twenty years; Aralia Press; Bird & Bull Press; Caliban
Press; The Little Farm Press.
d e s i g n
b i n d i n g
artists' book movement has expanded the potentialities of the book as a
work of art, the formal codex book still speaks most strongly to me as
a structural and conceptual form. The challenge is to design and
execute a binding which is simultaneously: of it's time, yet will not
be seen someday as dated; related to the text in a way that's not
immediately obvious; well crafted. Occasionally the work shows
c a l l i g
r a p h y
Most of the calligraphy I do these days is for myself, such as the lettering for Rules for Bookbinders. I do get the occasional request to letter wedding certificates. I do not address envelopes any more....